Friday, August 05, 2005

Prehistory Repeating!

Reading blogs is like a box of rocks. Some glitter and others, sadly, are dull. But you always know what you are going to get: windows opening into the lives and minds of strangers, who suddenly aren’t.

Each day, new articles are published about blogs. Some shriek hysterically: “Can You Lose Your Job Blogging?” and some simply promote: “Top Ten Blog Sites.” Blogging has become a culture unto itself. Everyone’s a writer, and anyone can be published in seconds.

Really, blogging is nothing new. We’ve only given it a fancy new name. BLOG. It’s kind of like a hybrid of BLAH and FLOG. Like “swerve” (sway plus curve) or “brunch” (breakfast plus lunch), “blog” works. We’re swerving, brunching and blogging.

Did you know that the Cave Man loved a good blog? You’d actually be quite surprised what archaeologists have recently recovered from the walls of the labrynthine Lascaux caverns in France:

(picture of crescent moon) (two figures side by side) (large low flat rock).
(smiling face with line representing heavy brow ridge) (burning stack of sticks).
(two figures entertwined) (cloud surrounding tiny figures).


Last night, Ugna and I went to the new restaurant.
She looked beautiful by the firelight.
Afterwards, I dreamed of starting a small tribe with her.

From reading this tiny jewel of a prehistoric blog, we learn that our distant relatives were quite more like us than we might have known. What seems to be a menu was found at a nearby site, but all that could be made out was a glyph representing grapes being squeezed. Historians are working right now to decode it.

I’ll report when they find what else was offered. Maybe it was brunch! And who knows, there may also be more juicy details about Ugna. Oh, Ugna. Fair Ugna.

Well, stay tuned. I'll post it all to the blog.


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